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Discover MOTIONTAG: Creating Seamless, Sustainable And Smart Mobility 2020

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MOTIONTAG: Creating Seamless, Sustainable And Smart Mobility

MOTIONTAG – Creating Seamless, Sustainable And Smart Mobility 2020

Brief introduction MOTIONTAG

MOTIONTAG has made it its mission to make mobility intelligent by describing and understanding real-world mobility through data-driven services. We believe that the mobility future of cities needs to be sustainable smart an connected. Our focus is on mobility analytics, essentially on providing anonymised mobility insights into travel behaviours within cities.

With over 80 insights, sound data spanning from modal split over travel speeds to CO2 emissions is produced. The collected data enables us to create a holistic picture on how people are moving from from A to B, using what modes of transportation and sometimes even for what purpose a journey took place. Based on such insights new services can be developed that improve not only existing infrastructure and offerings but also provide a benefit for the end-user, such as personalised information, digital travel companions or reward programmes for green mobility behaviour.

What are the main problems solved by MOTIONTAG

Cities as well as transport providers have a responsibility in contributing to a solution to the unfolding climate crisis. They’re ambitious in setting climate targets but have actually inufficient insights in what the current situation looks like on their streets and little tools to measure their progress towards their climate goals in real time.

The former problem describes a lack in mobility knowledge. The overall transport system in a city consists of many silo perspectives by different mobility providers as noone wants to share data with (potential) competitors. This kind of business conduct in silos makes it impossible to address passenger’s needs accurately as a holistic understanding of people’s mobility is lacking. Transport providers hold incomplete information of their customers’ interconnected mobility choices outside the own system and cluster customers based on qualitative information rather than multimodal mobility choices, causing an incomplete display of customer segments. A fragmented and inefficient mobility system is the result that causes an often confusing and disjointed travel experience for end-users.

The latter problem relates to the currents methods of assessing urban mobility behaviour. Today’s methods are not sophisticated: passenger surveys are the go-to tool and often are manually conducted. This process is not only time-consuming but costly while only providing a glimpse at the status quo as the collected data is not representative of the city as a whole.

Lastly, MOTIONTAG actively contributes to reducing individuals’ carbon footprint originating from transportation by raising citizens’ awareness about their individual mobility CO2 footprint.

MOTIONTAG creates value from motion data and supports mobility providers and cities to understand, as well as improve, travel chains and travel behaviors. This helps to spot gridlocks, room for operational optimization and build assessment and engagement tools that pose a starting point for positive climate action.

How does MOTIONTAG solve these problems?

MOTIONTAG’s product essentially comes as a software tool which can be integrated into any already existing apps by a few lines of code. Alternatively, MOTIONTAG offers white label apps for their clients who do not yet own an app or want to use the MOTIONTAG approach for study purposes.

While our clients benefit from aggregated insights, app users can use the app  as a personal mobility diary showing statistics about one’s own activities, the tool can be further developed into a Climate Challenge in which users can compare themselves to friends or other users and see how their own behaviour influences the 2-degree threshold of the Paris Climate Agreement or the realisation of a city’s climate target. Such climate challenge furthermore can be tied to loyalty schemes that reward sustainable travel and lifestyle choices of app users who can redeem collected points for local cultural events or initiatives as well as local shops and restaurants.

This way cities not only incentivise sustainable mobility behaviour and consumption but also foster a greater affiliation between app users and their immediate surroundings and neighbourhoods. The tool could this way help to support local businesses that were hit in spring/summer 2020 by the COVID-19 outbreak.

What is the main technology innovation offered by MOTIONTAG?

Automatic and anonymised transport mode detection

Based on machine learning of smartphone sensors, MOTIONTAG collects precise and multimodal mobility data. This way it can be recognized passively, fully automatically and in real time where, when, with what mode and for what purpose your customers move around cities and use services of different mobility providers. We can differentiate between 10+ different modes of transportation, spanning from motorised to non-motorised modes. They are defined as walking, bicycle, tramway, subway, bus, car, rapid transit railway, regional train, train or airplane.

The main smartphone sensors analysed thereby, are the accelerator, magnetometer and barometer that allow for a trip reconstruction via waypoints. To improve the accuracy of data, third party data such as OSM (openstreetmap data), GTFS (public transportation schedules and associated geographic information like route networks) or APIs (e.g.taxis, car-sharing services) are incorporated.

Our hardware-independent software solution is easily integrated as an SDK into already existing apps and clients receive immediate insights via a web-based dashboard.

Based on the generated insights by MOTION OS, we then develop a variety of use cases in collaboration with our clients and partners.

Who is your target customer?

MOTIONTAG acknowledges that mobility goes beyond public transportation and scaled its solution for different actors in the mobility ecosystem, for public and private transport providers, transport authorities and cities, logistic companies and research institutes.

How to get in contact with MOTIONTAG? 

By its website:

You can easily get in contact with us via our website www.motion-tag.com

By its Social Networks:

We have a lot of exciting new projects starting within the next months and will announce them via our social media channels. Follow us on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter.

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